Professional translations English-German-English

Frau Marion Albrecht
D-48165 Münster Hiltrup (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
(0 Bewertungen)
02501 5940120
€ 1,20
Hello there, my name is Marion. I am a translator for English-German-English.

You are looking for a competent, reliable translator with many years of job experience, who prepares for you even difficult translations at a price which is adequate but also specially tailored to your texts and your purse? Then you have come to the right person.

Here some examples: work as a freelance translator in Münster/Germany, in several fields (i.e. psychiatric expertises, advertising brochures for hotels, texts about non-destructive testing, translation of subtitles for a documentary film, purchase contract for an american breeding puppy, lending contract for works of art between museums on an international basis,  firefighting operations report, translation of english and american short stories (SF/Fantasy) into german, member of the Literary Translators Society, texts about medical examinations and corresponding findings, text about privacy policy, tax declarations, contract terminology in general,  and many more. And: I am a good translator for so-called "exotic" translations, i.e for very special texts, which are only rarely submitted to translator.

You can also send documents to be translated by fax:


You can also contact me on weekends or after office hours - I``ll be gladly at your disposal.


My price per word: 0,15 Cent


Best regards



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