Adult Ballet

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It’s time to fall in love with you TODAY! You will be amazed at the fantastic things Adult ballet is going to do for you. Get ready for the experience. Start NOW!

You know that feeling when you look in the mirror and think OMG my posture has done a runner. The graceful, thinner sexy you, who moves easily and with charisma is sure not the person looking back at you from the mirror now.

If only you could find a solution to reduce stress, give your mind and body a complete workout. You wish you could get rid of the wobbly bits by strengthening and toning the core muscles, the stomach, the upper back, as well as the flabby bottom and all the main leg muscles.

You’re not “brain dead” so no way are you going to waste time at a fitness studio.

Basically you need a miracle……….

Adult Ballet works miracles

Adult Ballet is not Sugar Plum fairies and pink tutus. You won’t find any super-skinny, anorexic prima donnas, but you will find a relaxed atmosphere and meet people like you. Simply come as you are in clothes that let you move easily.

With expert highly qualified teachers, you’ll cover exercises specially designed to warm up and work out different muscle groups.

You may leave as a sweaty wobbly mass, you may have found muscles you never knew you had, but not only will you experience the joy of dancing, it will completely absorb you.

Once you start, the music and movements take over.

After the class you will be in love with you!

When you look in the mirror in a year, you’ll think…..

“Wow, Cool, why didn’t I do this sooner?

Don't have that regret!

Fall in love with YOU today?

Book a trial class NOW


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